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by Stephanie Allen, ASIN, DCN, DSS, CPES

At the beginning of a new year, many people begin a detoxification and weight loss journey as part of their annual resolutions or to recover from over-indulging during the holidays. But in an environment where most are exposed to a variety of foreign contaminants daily, practices that help minimize or remove chemicals unknowingly stored in the body have become an important habit throughout the year.

Everything from clothing and furniture to the air and soil has some level of chemical contaminants that can be harmful to health. Many of these are deemed “safe” individually and in very small volumes, but they build up over time. Multiple exposures to combinations of many different chemical toxins can lead to health problems such as metabolic syndrome.

Toxins are often stored in the adipose tissues and released back into circulation during weight loss, increasing autoimmune responses and leading to feelings of fatigue, increased allergies and illness. Therefore, a quality detoxification protocol is also an important part of any weight loss program.

To lessen the exposure and subsequent toxic load in the body, adopting a healthful diet that is low in processed foods, preservatives and pesticides is a good first step. Choose organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Decreasing any unnecessary over-the-counter medications, limiting alcohol intake and avoiding any nicotine products are very important steps to lessen the burden on the body.

Lessening exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals is only part of decreasing our toxic load for optimal health. Boosting the body’s natural ability to process and eliminate toxins is another necessary step. Processes and metabolic systems of the kidneys, skin, liver and lungs, for example, rid the body of foreign chemicals. Movement and exercise, especially activities that generate sweat, are a great way to help promote clearing through increased lymph flow and cleansing through the pores in the skin. Steam baths and warm showers are a great way to destress and detox too, and increased water consumptions helps eliminate broken-down toxins from the body.

Diet is also crucial. Cruciferous vegetables contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a strong antioxidant shown to improve detoxification processes and promote healthy metabolic pathways. Increased consumption of colorful vegetables also provides beneficial antioxidants that counteract free radicals formed when toxins breakdown. Some great dietary additions include blueberries, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Herbal teas that contain dandelion, milk thistle, ginger, rooibos, green tea and burdock — or any combination of these — will provide chemicals and compounds that assist in detoxification.

Ingesting enough fiber is also paramount for clearing foreign materials. Wellness Works combination product, Colon Health Support (WW #10370) , is a proprietary blend of fibers, FOS, pectin and detoxifying herbs, as well as ingredients that support the detoxifying and cleansing pathways. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps clear free radicals that form during the breakdown of toxins, as well as supports the regeneration of antioxidants in the body. The liposomal form available in Liposomal Glutathione (WW #10325) — provided in a purified phosphatidylcholine delivery system — helps protect glutathione bonds from degradation during digestion. The liposomal delivery system also offers enhanced absorption due to the hydrophilic nature of the phospholipids. Liposomal Glutathione (WW #10325) is a good option to add into a detoxification routine or for daily use.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products referenced in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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