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Winter Wellness

The body faces its greatest immune system challenge during cold and flu season, or when it is subjected to other viral infections. Keeping the immune system strong is essential to fend off seasonal illnesses.

The immune system helps to identify and eliminate the viruses and bacteria that can cause illnesses. It is one of the most complex systems in the body and is made up of various organs, cells and proteins, including skin, eyes, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system. A poor diet, chronic stress and lack of sleep, as well as certain medical conditions, can all affect the immune system.

Healthy lifestyle routines and good nutritional status can help prevent prolonged or serious illness from exposure to viruses. Some practices that can assist include good sleep hygiene, regular exercise, reducing stress responses and adopting healthy dietary habits. However, even with the best lifestyles, the immune system can be challenged. Balanced nutrition as well as certain herbs and some dietary supplements may help to stimulate natural immune function.

There’s always some confusion between having a cold or the flu. Both are contagious and viral-based, but symptoms and severity can be quite different. The common cold has a shorter lifespan and is generally milder than the flu. Some symptoms are common to both, including sore throat, congestion and cough. However, the flu can hit more quickly and usually will induce fever and chills. To be completely sure, testing may be required.

The common cold is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus and is more common during the winter months. According to the American Lung Association, more than 200 different viruses can cause the common cold. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, the rhinovirus is most often the one that makes people sneeze and sniffle. It’s highly contagious.

Colds spread when someone who’s sick sneezes or coughs, sending virus-filled droplets flying through the air. It can be spread by touching a surface (such as a countertop or doorknob) that was recently handled by an infected person and then touching the nose, mouth or eyes. The cold virus is most contagious in the first two to four days after exposure.

The flu (influenza) is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs, which are part of the respiratory system. Influenza is commonly called the flu, but it's different from the stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Immune Daily Support is a formulation of nutrients (vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, NAC, quercetin and echinacea). These nutrients have been found to be essential for a healthy immune system but may be functionally deficient in many individuals.

Vitamin D3 5000 IU is an essential vitamin that plays many important roles in the proper functioning of the body. It is actually a key regulatory hormone for calcium and bone metabolism. Adequate vitamin D is essential for ensuring normal calcium absorption and maintenance of healthy plasma calcium levels. Besides bone support, vitamin D has many other roles in the body, including modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and inflammatory support.

Green Tea-70 High Concentration EGCg is a water-soluble antioxidant that is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times stronger than vitamin E as a dietary supplement to support proper immune system function.

To explore more of our nutritional products that support a healthy, active lifestyle, reach out to our Wellness Works team today at


  1. American Lung Association Scientific and Medical Editorial Review Panel (last reviewed March 2023). Facts About the Common Cold. Accessed November 2023 at
  2. Mayo Clinic (last reviewed May 2023). Common Cold. Accessed May 2023 at
  3. Mayo Clinic (last reviewed November 2023). Influenza (Flu). Accessed December 2023 at

† Products and product information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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