

Wellness Works Blog


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By: Stephanie Allen, ASIN, DCN, DSS

Staying physically active is not just recommended for competitive athletes or sports enthusiasts. Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the most crucial things that anyone can do to promote and ensure overall good health. An object in motion tends to stay in motion and this is especially true for the human body. Staying active can enhance brain function, facilitate weight management, lower disease susceptibility, fortify bones and muscles, improve sleep and mood and enhance overall functionality and daily performance. 

The CDC recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week with at least two days devoted to muscle strengthening. Moderate-intensity activity includes anything that gets the body moving: walking or jogging, cycling, participating in group fitness classes, swimming, engaging in team sports, home workouts and dancing. Activities such as yoga or Pilates help promote flexibility, balance and strength while aiding in stress reduction. Muscle strengthening workouts include weight bearing activities such as walking, using free weights or weight machines, and resistance training. 

Those who are reluctant to exercise can still incorporate healthy activities throughout their day. Examples include parking the car farther away from store entrances, taking the stairs (even one flight) instead of riding an elevator and wearing ankle weights while completing household chores such as mowing the lawn and vacuuming. 

Staying mindful of sitting too long is also important. Many of today’s smart watches and phones offer reminders that alert us to move every hour or half-hour, depending on personal preferences.

It’s also important to recognize that an active lifestyle and healthy diet go hand-in-hand. A diet high in fresh whole fruits, vegetables and lean proteins is fundamental to good health. Limiting caffeine and processed sugars found in sodas and avoiding sugary processed snacks can help prevent sugar spikes, which often lead to afternoon energy crashes. Fresh fruits are good for afternoon snacks but may containhigh levels of fructose. Combining fruits with foods that are naturally high in protein, such as nuts, seeds or Greek yogurt, can help keep snacking balanced and prevent afternoon spikes and crashes.

Nutritional products and supplements may also help support an active lifestyle by adding essential nutrients to help recover from high-intensity workouts, as well as help moderately active people. Replacing sodas with a healthy supplement drink, adding a well-rounded multivitamin, increasing nitric oxide production and increasing protein intake are just a few ways to support physical activity alongside a healthy diet.

Fruits and Greens Energy Drink (WW #10351) is a great substitute for the usual afternoon soft drink or coffee.This easy-to-mix, great tasting superfood formula is designed to provide phytonutrient nutrition from a blend of 100% natural fruit and vegetable extracts, vitamins, enzymes and probiotics, and helps avoid the afternoon crash with a healthy intake of nutrients.

Active Life Nutrient Capsules (WW #10271), a multivitamin and mineral supplement, contains a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Active Life provides more than 22 essential nutrients in a convenient, once-daily capsule.

Nitric Oxide Formula (WW #10365)combines ingredients designed to support healthy nitric oxide levels. Increased nitric oxide levels have been shown help to improve circulation, allowing for greater endurance, improved cardiac health, general healing and enhanced physical performance.

Perfect Protein Powder (WW #10282),a delicious vegan-protein powder, delivers 21 grams of protein 7 grams of branch chain amino acids and glutamine, and less than 1 gram of sugar per serving. Formulated with agave inulin for prebiotic support, Perfect Protein Powder provides a synergistic enzyme blend for easy digestion. This powder can help increase protein consumption for those with allergies or sensitivities to other protein products.

To explore more of our nutritional products that support a healthy, active lifestyle, reach out to our Wellness Works team today at


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (last reviewed June 2023). Benefits of Physical Activity. Accessed July 2023 at
  1. Sharma, A., Madaan, V., Petty, F. D. (2006). Exercise for mental health. Prim Care companion J Clin Psychiatry, 8(2), 106.Accessed July 2023 at

† Products and product information containedhereinis not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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