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Weight loss is often daunting and tedious for patients, but supporting their nutrition throughout their journey can help them  feel better along the way and avoid common pitfalls that might derail their determination.

For Patients on GLP-1s

Patients who restrict calories and increase activity in pursuit of weight loss can experience unintended nutrient depletions, resulting in weakness, loss of energy and other side effects. For patients taking GLP-1 agonist drugs to assist with blood sugar balance, cholesterol reduction and weight loss, it’s important to discuss nutrient intake to support their well-being. Consuming nutrient-dense foods and adding a high-quality, well-rounded multivitamin and mineral supplement are often advised to ensure their well-being.

Magna MultiTM Daily Support for Weight Loss is a full multivitamin and mineral dietary supplement in a once-daily, easy-to-swallow capsule. This multi contains needed amounts of trace minerals, vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as antioxidants and methylated B vitamins. Methylated B vitamins have a direct impact on the body’s metabolism and energy, can help to alleviate depressive symptoms, play roles in supporting detoxification and are necessary in the absorption of other nutrients.1,2,3 Pyridoxal 5-phosphate, the active form of B6, has also been shown to help in alleviating nausea.4 This combination of needed nutrients in a 30-day supply makes for a great adjunct to GLP-1 therapies. 

NausEze-GingerTM is specifically formulated to help with nausea during pregnancy, stomach upset and for those on GLP-1 agonists experiencing stomach upset.

An Alternative to GLP-1s

Many patients who are either not candidates for GLP-1 medications, prefer not to pursue prescription-based weight loss or are wishing to transition away from prescriptions, may elect a more natural alternative, such as berberine. Berberine is a naturally occurring alkaloid and a primary constituent of several plants including barberry, goldenseal and philodendron. This natural ingredient has gained a lot of attention lately for its potential role in weight loss. Studies indicate that berberine may play roles in promoting insulin secretion, improving insulin resistance, inhibiting the formation of fat and improving the gut microbiota.5,6

Our Berberine Support offers 500 mg of berberine, plus grape seed extract and alpha-lipoic acid. These powerful antioxidants are believed to help improve the effects of berberine on blood sugar and cardiovascular support, helping to contribute to the overall effect on wellness and weight management.7,8

Eliminating Obstacles for the Gut and Colon

However a patient is pursuing weight loss, increasing fiber intake and balancing the gut microbiota are important parts of that journey. Increasing fiber intake can also help to promote weight loss, while balancing gut microbiota can help to improve mood and the body’s absorption of needed nutrients.9 A higher-fiber diet leads to improved adherence to dietary restrictions for most adults10, plus fiber aids in the elimination process.

As fat is being broken down, it must be eliminated from the body to prevent circulation back into the blood stream. A fiber supplement and probiotic may provide good options for adjunct therapy in any form of weight loss — natural or medicated.

Wellness Works offers Extra Strength Probiotic 35 Billion and Colon Health Support as part of our weight management kit for patients on a weight loss journey. The 35 billion colony forming units in our Extra Strength Probiotic may help provide the gut the tools to be able to establish and maintain a healthy flora. Colon Health Support is not only a high-fiber supplement but also contains proprietary blends of amino acids, herbs, prebiotics and extracts to provide a comprehensive formula for the well-being of the colon and support of elimination.

Nutrition to Fuel Their Success

Achieving weight loss goals is never easy, and nutritional support can fortify patients’ resolve and their general well-being.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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